John S. Carroll
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John Carroll is the Gordon Kaufman Professor of Management, Emeritus and a Professor Post Tenure of Work and Organization Studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He was also Professor of Engineering Systems until 2015 and served as Co-Director of MIT's Lean Advancement Initiative (LAI) 2003-2013.
Carroll is an excellent source for information on individual and group decision making, with a focus on its relationship to organizational learning and change practices such as self-assessment and root cause analysis. His recent work focuses on industries that manage significant hazards, such as nuclear power, petrochemicals, and healthcare. He has examined the relationships among leadership, management philosophies, teamwork, mental models, safety culture, and human performance improvement.
Carroll holds a BS in physics from MIT, as well as an MA and a PhD in social psychology from Harvard University.
Carroll, John S. In Handbook of Uncertainty Management in Organizations, edited by G. Grote and M. Griffin. Forthcoming.
Carroll, John S., Yvonne Pfeiffer, Hans Nowak, and Simon Friis. Safety Science Vol. 148, (2022): 105641.
Carroll, John S., Marlys K. Christianson Michael Frese, Zhike Lei, Eitan Naveh, and Timothy J. Vogus. Academy of Management Discoveries Vol. 7, No. 4 (2021): 451-460.
Carroll, John S. In Organizing for Reliability: A Guide for Research and Practice, edited by Karlene H. Roberts and Ranga Ramanujam, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2018.
Carroll, John S. In How Could This Happen? Managing Errors in Organizations, edited by Jan U. Hagen, 129-148. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Srinivasan, Jayakanth, Julia DiBenigno, and John S. Carroll. Journal of Organizational Behavior Education Vol. 10, (2018): 5-28.